Discover Delta

The Delta Study and Research Building hosts the following university departments:

The Business Building aims to bring science-based entrepreneurship related to teaching and research near the university. The Delta business building accommodates:

The architectural solution of Delta

The Delta Centre was designed by the architectural firm Arhitekt 11, architects Illimar Truverk, Sander Aas, Sander Paljak, Kristjan Lind and Joanna Kordemets, and the architectural solution of the building was initially called ICONICUM. A total of six entries took part in the architectural competition.

The name Delta is well connected to the architectural solution of the buildings triangular shape. In other details, it refers to tripartite cooperation and the estuary or location on the banks of the Emajõgi River.

The Delta Centre has been nominated for multiple awards, including:

  • Estonian Association of Interior Architects 2020 annual award
  • The Estonian Landscape Architects Union’s 2020 annual award
  • City of Tartu Act of the year 2020

With its state-of-the-art architecture and location in the heart of Tartu, Delta is an essential landmark in Tartu's cityscape.

The European Regional Development Fund, the Republic of Estonia and the University of Tartu funded the construction of the University of Tartu Delta Centre.

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