Topic: entrepreneurship

Data Science Seminar "Triple-Helix Collaboration on Data"
The Data Science Seminar "Triple-Helix Collaboration on Data" will focus on the synergy between academia, industry, and government known as the "triple-helix" model.
Swedbank's Collaboration with the University of Tartu’s Industrial Master’s Programme in IT Proves Successful
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudis pakutakse võimalust õppida IT-tööstusmagistrantuuris. See on praktiline õppeprogramm, mis toob kokku ettevõtted ja instituudi targad magistrandid.
Data Science Seminar "Driving Innovation with High-Performance Computing"
The UT Institute of Computer Science and the UT High Performance Computing Centre, invite all those interested to discover the exciting world of supercomputers and high-performance computing.
Data Science Seminar "AI in action: success stories and lessons learned"
How do we decide where and how AI should be applied, and what challenges arise along the way? At this seminar, several AI researchers and industry experts will present their insights and experiences.
Students’ software project solution is making the lives of researchers easier
Reocto joined the UT Institute of Computer Science software project course and presented the students with a task to create an innovative solution.
Delta Career Day 2025
On 19 February, for the seventh time, the Delta Career Day will bring together companies, institutions, and students from the University of Tartu.
The University of Tartu's self-driving test vehicle now has remote control capabilities with the cooperation between Clevon and the University of Tartu
University of Tartu's self-driving test vehicle now has remote control capabilities due to cooperation between Clevon and the University of Tartu.
Institute of Computer Science Podcast - with Pavlo Pyvovar
Our guest Pavlo Pyvovar, who found his way to the University of Tartu because of the Industrial Master’s Programme in IT.
University of Tartu to help Nõo Meat Factory use artificial intelligence in production
As the first company in the Estonian food industry, Nõo Meat Factory, together with the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, will start testing novel artificial intelligence and robotics solutions.
04. March 2024 entrepreneurshipresearch
Data Science Seminar "Secondary use of health data in Estonia"
The seminar takes place on 19 March and focuses on the secondary use of health data in Estonia
08. February 2024 entrepreneurshipfor society